OLA Managing Committee - 2023 to 2025
Rear Admiral Philipose G. Pynumootil, AVSM, NM (Retd.) - Class of 1982
Johnny John - Class of 1983
Karishma Sushilkumar - Class of 2005
Shyam Nair - Class of 2002
K.P. Philip - Class of 1974
Anil Raghav - Class of 1993
Swati Katakam - Class of 1993
Jim Tharayil - Class of 1995
Role of The OLA Committee
The President
Lead the OLA Community as a cohesive unit, bound by the common vision and mission of the Association.
Maintain and uphold at all times, camaraderie and common values of the community, and ensure sharing of ideas and creative thoughts to add to and improve upon the various activities, initiatives and undertakings of the OLA.
Encourage fellow Committee Members to bring forward fresh concepts and ideas to the successful functioning of the OLA, resulting in improved reach and engagement among the community.
Decide on the financial and operational management of the OLA while exercising a duty of care.
Serve as Chairman in meetings of the Board of Directors and in all meetings of the membership.
Seek consensus from Board Members in making decisions in the interest of the OLA community as a whole.
Lead the Board and/or Committee in the selection of contractors and professionals that will serve the needs of the OLA.
Support the decisions of the Board and lead in its implementations.
Uphold the standards for the community established in the governing documents.
The Vice-President
Proactively assist and coordinate with the President and the Secretary in translating the vision, strategies and action plans of the OLA Committee, set forth by the President, into tangible results.
Share the authorities and responsibilities entrusted by the President.
Officiate as President, in times of his/her absence, and be accountable/responsible for the conduct of the affairs of the association.
Promote a sense of community by supporting open and transparent communication through whatever means available, encouraging member participation and making him/herself available for discussions to the community.
Foster social and professional networking opportunities and engagements among the global OLA community.
The Secretary
Work within the guidelines set out by the OLA Committee through its President/Vice-President.
Implement assigned action plans of the OLA Committee and administer/monitor the day-to-day functioning of the same.
Coordinate in the successful execution of the tasks assigned to the OLA Committee members and report on the same periodically at the Committee meetings.
Convene OLA Committee meetings and maintain/disseminate minutes of all such meetings as well as maximise participation or initiate action against regular non-attendees.
Properly conduct the affairs of the Association within the dictates of the governing laws.
The Treasurer
Develop the annual financial budget with guidance from the President and in consultation with other Office Bearers of the OLA Committee for successfully meeting the financial goals of the Association.
Responsibly monitor fund utilisation and periodically report on the same as directed by the OLA Committee through the President.
Monitor and assist the President in conducting the affairs of the Association (in financial and legal matters) within the bounds of applicable laws.
Present and support the Annual Statements of the Association to the General Body by providing clarifications required for their approval.
Extend assistance to the OLA Committee members in the discharge of their duties, where required.
The Committee Members
Support in the execution and administration of various OLA community engagement initiatives.
Assist in facilitating and coordinating OLA events including Founders Day Events, Alumni Sports Tournaments, Annual Student Initiatives etc.
Ensure that the affairs of the Association are properly conducted within the dictates of the governing laws, along with Assistance to OLA Committee members in the discharge of their duties, where required.
Previous OL Committes
(Populating Soon)
President Maj. Ravi Shanmugam, Batch of ’67
Vice President T. A. Degnanam Jr, ’71
Secretary R. Sundar, ’68
Treasurer Cdr. M. T. Abraham Bursar
Managing Committee HM, B. S. Bhatnagar
Managing Committee Col. C. T. O. A. Wright, ’39
Managing Committee Maj. Bhojan Bellie, ’63
Managing Committee Tarun Chhabra ’78
Managing Committee Raman A Menon, ’64
Managing Committee Robinder Singh, ’59
OL Rep - Board M. A. Alagappan, ’59 -
President Maj. Ravi Shanmugam, 1967
Vice President T. A. Degnanam Jr, 1971
Secretary R. Sundar, 1968
Treasurer Bursar Cdr. M. T. Abraham
Managing Committee HM B. S. Bhatnagar
Managing Committee Col. C. T. O. A. Wright, 1939
Managing Committee Tarun Chhabra, 1978
Managing Committee Raman A Menon, 1964
Managing Committee Robinder Singh, 1959
Managing Committee B. N. Balachandran, 1969
Managing Committee Anjolie E Menon, 1955
OL Rep - Board M. A. Alagappan, 1959 -
President Maj. Ravi Shanmugam, 1967
Vice President Col. C. T. O. A. Wright, 1939
Secretary R. Sundar, 1968
Treasurer Bursar Cdr. M. T. Abraham
Managing Committee HM B. S. Bhatnagar
Managing Committee Maj. Bhojan Bellie, 1963
Managing Committee Tarun Chhabra, 1978
Managing Committee Raman A Menon, 1964
Managing Committee Robinder Singh, 1959
Managing Committee B. N. Balachandran, 1969
Managing Committee Anjolie E Menon, 1955
OL Rep - Board M. A. Alagappan, 1959