Memorandum of Association
Memorandum of Association
Old Lawrencians Association
Lovedale, Nilgiris,
Tamil Nadu 643 003
Registered under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act No. 27 of 1975.
1. Name: Old Lawrencians Association ("OLA") amended from Old Lawrencian Association.
2. Purpose: To form an Association of the alumni of The Lawrence School, Lovedale ("LSL"), Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India 643 003.
3. The Registered Office: The registered office of the OLA is located at Lovedale, Nilgiris, 643 003, Tamil Nadu.
4. Jurisdiction: The OLA is under the jurisdiction of the Registrar of Societies, Nilgiris Registration District, Udhagamandalam, Nilgiris – 643 001.
5. Aims and Objectives:
5.1. To promote and foster mutually beneficial interaction amongst alumni (“OLs”) and between LSL and OLs individually and collectively.
5.2. To encourage OLs individually and collectively to take an abiding interest in the progress and development of LSL.
5.3. To undertake activities of organisation building including those of a charitable nature for the OLA and LSL.
5.4. To collect, publish, and distribute information pertaining to the activities and developments of the OLA and LSL, whether on the OLA website or alumni electronic forums, as may be useful to members of the OLA.
5.5. To encourage, promote, and facilitate education and career prospects of students at LSL.
5.6. To create and maintain an OLA Bank account into which all contributions and other funds belonging to the OLA are credited; to invest these funds in approved financial instruments as permitted from time to time. Surplus funds and income will be used solely to defray costs of administration and to promote the objectives of the OLA Payment of any income or surplus funds to members of the OLA, except for services rendered in arm’s length transactions, is prohibited.
5.7. To undertake all such lawful activities as may be conducive to the attainment of the foregoing objectives.
Old Lawrencians Association
Lovedale, Nilgiris,
Tamil Nadu 643 003
1. Name: Old Lawrencians Association ("OLA")
2. Bylaws: These OLA Bylaws apply to all members of the OLA. The OLA Bylaws shall be read along with the OLA Memorandum of Association.
3. Definitions:
3.1. "Alumnus" or "Alumni" means a former student or former students of LSL whohave completed at least one academic year in good standing, and such former student(s) shall be permitted to become a member from the year that his/her class completes the final external Board exams (currently 12th standard).
3.2. “Attendance” or “Presence” at a meeting includes telepresence or virtual presence by means of telecommunication, Internet or existing or future technology enabling such remote communication.
3.3. "CORE" means the "Council of Representatives" comprising one elected person from each Class Year.
3.4. "Financial Year" of the OLA shall be from April 1 to March 31 of the following year
3.5. "General Body" means the collective membership of voting members of OLA
3.6. "GOLA" means the Global Chapter of the OLA
3.7. "LSL" or "the School" means The Lawrence School, Lovedale, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
3.8. "Majority of Members" means the majority in a duly constituted General Body Meeting, at which a quorum is present, where electronic votes would also count.
3.9. "Managing Committee (MC)", sometimes referred to as "the Committee", means the Managing Committee of the OLA consisting of at least five, but not more than eight members of the OLA, mainly voted in by the General Body.
3.10. "Member in Good Standing" means a member who has no unpaid dues to the Association and is not in violation of the Association’s Bylaws or Rules.
3.11. "OLA" or "Association" means the Old Lawrencians Association.
4. Membership: The following shall be eligible for membership in the OLA:
4.1. All alumni of LSL residing anywhere in the world.
4.2. Associate Members – The General Body may admit former staff members as Associate Members to the OLA. Such members shall not have voting rights and shall not hold elective or appointive positions.
4.3. Patron or Honorary Members – The General Body may invite persons of special significance to the OLA to be Patrons or Honorary Members. Such members shall not have voting rights and shall not hold elective or appointive positions.
5. Cessation/Termination of Membership:
5.1. A member of the Association shall cease to be such upon his / her death or if s/he resigns from his / her membership. Nevertheless, resignation of an officer or other person charged with any position of executive responsibility or trust with the Association shall not relieve such person of responsibility or accountability for his / her actions in any official or representative capacity prior to the date of such resignation.
5.2. A member who has violated Association Bylaws / Rules or who has acted against the interests of the Association may be suspended for a period not exceeding six months by the Managing Committee and on reference may be terminated at a General Body Meeting after:
5.2.1. The Committee shall have issued a show cause to him/her on his/her violation of Bylaws / Rules;
5.2.2. The Committee shall have obtained and examined his / her reply to such notice. If no reply is received within the stipulated time frame, it will be presumed that the member has nothing to state;
5.2.3. The Committee shall have thereafter referred the matter to an Ethics & Compliance committee comprising three members nominated by the Managing Committee. The member shall have been given an opportunity to be heard by the Ethics & Compliance Committee. The Managing Committee shall take steps for suspension and or termination of membership only after giving due consideration to the recommendation of the Ethics & Compliance Committee;
5.2.4. A 75 % majority vote of those present and voting at a General Body Meeting is then required for such termination. Electronic voting will be allowed as in all general body meetings.
6. Membership Registry: A membership registry containing Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address and Year of Leaving of all OLA members shall be kept in the possession of the Secretary of the Association and shall be treated with due care. Other optional information includes occupation, photographs, names of spouses and children, association memberships, and any other information which the General Body may deem appropriate. An electronic copy of the membership registry shall be updated periodically and maintained at the OLA website.
7. Contributions: Members may be required to make mandatory one time or recurring contributions of a minimum amount to be specified by the General Body from time to time to the corpus fund of the association. These values shall be subject to revision by the General Body at a duly constituted meeting. A copy of the Association Memorandum and Bylaws (physical or electronic format) shall be made available to all members.
8. Hours of Business: The business of the OLA shall be conducted on weekdays from 9 AM to 5 PM.
9. Registration Date and Existence: The OLA was formally registered and came into existence on May 1, 1989 under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act No. 27 of 1975.
10. Rights, Duties, and Responsibilities of Members: All members of the General
Body in good standing shall have the following rights:
10.1. To attend all meetings of the General Body and participate in all deliberations during such meetings.
10.2. To be eligible to nominate and be elected or appointed to any elective or appointive Position.
10.3. To propose amendments and resolutions and to vote on those presented at General Body Meetings.
10.4. To avail of the facilities of the Association and participate in whatever activity the Association may engage.
10.5. To inspect the records and books of accounts of the Association as permitted by applicable law.
10.6. Members shall uphold the highest standards of ethics and shall not directly or indirectly act in any manner that is detrimental to the functioning of the Association and the welfare of The Lawrence School, Lovedale.
11. The General Body:
11.1. The Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) shall be held every year before the date specified by law, preferably during the Founder’s Day celebrations of the school and preferably in Lovedale or Ooty. In exceptional circumstances, where it is not possible to hold a physical meeting, the Annual General Meeting may be conducted through video conferencing or other electronic means.
11.2. Extraordinary General Body Meetings may be held upon notice when the Managing Committee deems it necessary. Such meeting may also be requisitioned by a minimum fifty members by providing notice to the Secretary by electronic means or by a notice at the registered office. In exceptional circumstances, where it is not possible to hold a physical meeting, Extraordinary General Meetings may be conducted through video conferencing or other electronic means.
11.3. The General Body shall elect the members of the Managing Committee. The procedure is detailed in clause 14 of these Bylaws and further elaborated in the Rules.
11.4. Notice of General Body Meetings and of any other meeting pertaining to OLA business must be provided at least 21 days in advance, either via post or to the member’s registered email id and electronically via the OLA website or other alumni fora online. The Notice should clearly mention that the business at the meeting may be transacted through electronic voting. The Notice shall clearly indicate the process and manner of voting by electronic means and:
The time period for casting of votes
A facility for casting of votes electronically in a secure manner (log in id, password)
The MC has to set out the issues to be transacted/resolutions to be passed, schedule for electronic voting and the contact details of the person responsible to address grievances connected with electronic voting. Any member wishing to introduce a resolution may send it to the Secretary 30 days before the likely meeting date. The Secretary must forward the same to the scrutinizer who shall then ensure the resolution is sent to all members with other proposed resolutions.
11.5. The quorum of the General Body Meeting shall normally consist of 5% of the total membership, including members of the Managing Committee, proxies and telepresence. However, 50 members physically present meets quorum. If any meeting cannot be organized because a quorum has not been attained, it shall be automatically adjourned. The meeting will reconvene after 30 minutes and the members present will be accepted as a quorum, however only emergency actions can be taken up at such a meeting. If, at such adjourned meeting where a lower than specified number of members are accepted as the quorum and an emergency action is required, members – present in person or by proxy – shall vote on relevant matters. Members retain the right to appeal these decisions.
11.6. Votes may be cast in person, by proxy, or by electronic voting. The Managing Committee shall implement a means of reasonably safe electronic voting to ensure authentication of the member, as well as validation and non-repudiation of the vote tendered by the member. E-voting shall remain open for a minimum of one and a maximum of 3 days and shall be completed at least 3 days prior to the date of the general meeting. An e-vote, once cast, cannot be subsequently changed. The MC shall appoint an independent member of the OLA as a scrutinizer. The scrutinizer shall, within 3 days of the close of the e-voting period, tally the votes in the presence of two independent witnesses and submit a Report of votes cast in favour or against to the Chairman of the Meeting. At the Meeting, the resolutions are put to vote by members present in person or by proxy. The Chairman of the Meeting will declare the results of the voting on the conclusion of the Meeting after factoring of the e-votes. The Resolution shall be deemed to have been passed on the date of the general meeting.
11.7. PROXY: If unable to attend a General Body Meeting in person, a member may provide specific authorization in writing to any other member to represent himself / herself at that particular meeting and vote on his/ her behalf. The proxy authorization shall be received by the Secretary at least seven calendar days prior to said meeting. The form of such proxy authorization shall be specified by the Secretary. Each person attending said meeting shall be restricted to exercising a maximum of three proxy votes. No proxy votes may be cast electronically.
11.8. Rules relating to the conduct of meetings, notices etc. are set out in the Rules.
12. Records of the Association: The following records shall be maintained at the office of the Association in electronic or physical form:
12.1. Membership Registry
12.2. Minutes of General Body Meetings
12.3. Minutes of Managing Committee Meetings
12.4. Cash Book and Ledger
12.5. Receipts and Vouchers
12.6. All publications, reports and souvenirs of the Association
12.7. All documents as required by law under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act No. 27 of 1975
12.8. Minutes of General Body Meetings and Managing Committee Meetings must be published electronically via the OLA website within two weeks after conclusion of meeting.
13. Managing Committee:
13.1. The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a Managing Committee duly elected by the General Body.
13.2. The Powers and Duties of the Managing Committees shall include:
13.2.1. Administration of the affairs of the Association as required by applicable law and by these Bylaws and / or by duly adopted resolutions of the General Body Meeting;
13.2.2. Upkeep of all Association facilities and property, moveable and immoveable;
13.2.3. Timely collection of contributions and other authorised fees from members;
13.2.4. Management of personnel necessary for the running of the Association, including their recruitment, terms and conditions of employment, remuneration, welfare, discipline and termination of employment;
13.2.5. Maintenance of up-to-date accounts and submission of the same for annual audit by person(s) appointed by the General Body;
13.2.6. Effective Control of Expenses: The Committee shall adopt and enforce effective controls on expenses. No Expense or Obligation other than those authorised by law or by these Bylaws or duly adopted resolutions of the General Body may be incurred by any person for or on behalf of the Association. Any person acting in violation of this prohibition shall be liable to indemnify the Association for any expense or obligation so incurred;
13.2.7. Responsibility to ensure the filing of reports as required by statute or regulation. The Managing Committee may direct an officer of the Association to file such reports or hire an independent person to make such filings.
13.3. The Managing Committee shall ensure that an official website for the Association is created, maintained and administered. The committee may appoint a webmaster either from willing volunteers or on a professional basis but the person should be an alumnus. The Webmaster shall function under the overall supervision and control of the Managing Committee. The official website, Facebook page and other social media, Oldlaws email group and any other domain or platform that officially represents the OLA, needs to be under the control of the OLA. If such a site or page or group has been registered in an individual’s name, all efforts should be made by the MC to take over ownership of the same and the MC should have a role in some form of joint administration of the same.
13.4. The Managing Committee shall ensure that all statutory information and membership information is under its safe custody at all times. The Managing Committee shall ensure that the privacy of members is protected and that no unauthorised person is given access to the data.
13.5 The Managing Committee shall ensure that only genuine alumni as defined above are admitted and exercise the rights as members. The committee shall frame such rules and guidelines as may be necessary to ensure that ineligible persons do not enjoy the privileges and rights of members.
13.6 The Managing Committee members shall discharge their responsibilities:
i) in good faith;
ii) with the care an ordinarily prudent person would exercise under similar circumstances; and
iii) in a manner the MC member reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the OLA.
13.7 The Managing Committee may create and modify from time to time Rules for the operation of the OLA.
14. Election and Term of Office for Managing Committee:
14.1. The Managing Committee shall be elected by the General Body, subject to the following conditions:
14.1.1 The Managing Committee will consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer as Principal Officers and a minimum of one and up to four other members each for a term of two years;
14.1.2 The President shall serve for a two-year term on the expiry of which s/he shall not be eligible for re-election;
14.1.3 On the President vacating office, the Vice President will automatically be appointed as President for the next term. If for any reason, the Vice President is unwilling or unable to serve as President, the General Body will elect the President from among the other Managing Committee members;
14.1.4 One half of the of the Managing Committee, excluding the Vice President and President, shall retire by rotation at every alternate Annual General Meeting and shall not be eligible for re-election provided that the Secretary and Treasurer shall not retire at the same Annual General Meeting. In determining the number of Managing Committee members to retire by rotation, the number which is nearest to one-half shall retire by rotation;
14.1.5 The members to retire by rotation at every Annual General Meeting shall be those who have been longest in office since their last appointment but as between persons who became members on the same day those who are to retire shall, subject to the provisions of 14.1.7 below, be determined by lot;
14.1.6 A member shall not serve on the Managing Committee for more than four years continuously. After retiring from the Managing Committee, a member may stand for re-election after a period of two years;
14.1.7 Members should have completed two years in the School, excluding any period spent in classes that were in Prep School at the time, to be eligible for election to the Managing Committee;
14.1.8 The above constitution of the Managing Committee will take effect from the Annual General Meeting when these modified Bylaws and Rules are passed and come into effect. The time on the Committee will be counted starting from this Annual General Meeting and any time on the Committee prior to this will be ignored.
14.2. Each chapter may nominate one nominee to attend Managing Committee meetings as an observer.
14.3. Each member is allowed one vote for each elected position, whether it be in person, electronically, or by proxy.
14.4. An Election Committee comprising three members who are members of the General Body, but not members of the Managing Committee, shall be responsible for the conduct of elections to the Managing Committee. The appointment of the Election Committee shall be done by the Managing Committee at least 60 days before an election and their function shall cease after the results of the election have been certified by the President. The role, powers and duties of the Election Committee are set out in the Rules.
14.5. Attendance of candidates contesting the election is mandatory at every General Body Meeting.
14.6. If only one nomination is received for a particular post, it should be announced to the General Body by the Election Committee, provided, however, that such person is not disqualified as detailed in the Bylaws and or Rules.
14.7. In case of insufficient nominations, the outgoing MC and the Election Committee will endeavour to market the positions and try to encourage nominations. If these are still not forthcoming, the General Body may waive the appropriate rules and permit "on the spot" nominations at the AGM.
15. Vacancies in the Managing Committee: In the event that vacancies arise in the Managing Committee, due by any reason including the removal of a Committee Member by a vote of the General Body, the roles of the Managing Committee may be reassigned amongst the members of the Committee at a duly constituted meeting of the Managing Committee until a successor is elected at the next General Body Meeting.
16. Removal of a Committee Member: At any regular or special meeting of the Managing Committee, one or more of the members, excluding Principal Officers, maybe removed by majority vote for absence without sufficient cause from three consecutive Managing Committee meetings.
17. Organisation of Meetings of the Managing Committee:
17.1. First Meeting: The first meeting of a newly elected Managing Committee shall be held within fifteen days of election at a place fixed by the President at the Annual General Body Meeting at which they were elected. No further notice shall be necessary to the newly elected Committee Members. The meeting may be conducted by videoconferencing or other electronic means.
17.2. Regular Meetings: Regular Meetings of the Managing Committee shall be held at a place and time determined by the President. At least one such meeting shall be held per calendar quarter. Notice of such meetings shall be given to each Committee Member by the Secretary by post or email at least two weeks prior to the day of such meetings. Meetings may be conducted by videoconferencing or other electronic means.
17.3. Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Managing Committee may be convened by the President or via written request of at least five members with three days’ notice to each Managing Committee Member by post or email, stating the purpose, time, and location of meeting.
17.4. Quorum: At all Managing Committee meetings the quorum shall be the President or Vice President and at least three members of the Managing Committee.
17.5. There shall be at least one physical meeting of the MC for the approval of the accounts of the Association prior to the AGM every year.
18. Principal Officers:
18.1. The Principal Officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
18.2. The Principal Officers of the Association shall be elected as specified in clause 14 above by the General Body and shall hold office at the pleasure of the General Body.
18.3. PRESIDENT: The responsibilities of the President are the following:
18.3.1. S/he shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association
18.3.2. Preside at meetings of the Association and the Managing Committee;
18.3.3. Have the power to appoint committees and sub-committees from among the members for specific tasks - the Managing Committee shall be kept informed of the same;
18.3.4. Ensure that decisions taken at the meetings of the Managing Committee have the backing of a simple majority;
18.3.5. Ensure that the finances of the association are effectively managed;
18.3.6. Not to sanction any expenditure unilaterally;
18.3.7. Ensure that cash book is maintained by the Treasurer and is checked and signed each month on the last working day by himself/herself or by a member of the Committee, so authorised.
18.3.8. To ensure that appropriate and required filings to comply with statutes and/or regulations are made on a timely basis by the Association.
18.4. VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall together act for the President and perform his/her duties whenever the President shall be absent or unable to act. If neither the President nor the Vice-President is able to act, the Managing Committee shall appoint another Principal Officer to act as Officiating President on an interim basis. The Vice President shall satisfy himself/herself that the cash, bank balances, and all other assets are in order at all times. S/He is authorised to make any number of inspections in any manner as may be desired by him/her to achieve this. The Vice-President shall also perform such other duties as are assigned to them by the Committee.
18.5. SECRETARY: The responsibilities of the Secretary are the following:
18.5.1. Maintain in a Master Register, detailed record of member names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, graduating year, and any other details considered relevant by the Committee. A back up register shall also be maintained in a separate, safe location, such as a bank locker. Records will be made available by the Secretary to members for verification of their own records. An electronic copy of the Master Register shall be sent to the webmaster of OLA website, as a repository for safekeeping; periodic updates of the electronic files so transmitted shall be sent to such person;
18.5.2. Compile the minutes of all meetings of the Committee and the Association;
18.5.3. Have charge of and maintain such books and papers as the Committee may direct;
18.5.4. In general, perform all the duties related to the office of Secretary, including implementation of decisions of the Committee and the General Body, in coordination with respective Committee Members;
18.5.5. Ensure financial propriety and effective financial control;
18.5.6. Oversee the working of the Association employees;
18.5.7. Be responsible for the personnel management of all employees;
18.5.8. Coordinate activities of Committee members holding other portfolios;
18.5.9. The Secretary shall be the designated person through whom the Association shall sue and be sued.
18.6. TREASURER: The responsibilities of the Treasurer are the following:
18.6.1. Be responsible for Association funds and investments;
18.6.2. Plan investments of the Association and get them approved by the Committee;
18.6.3. Keep accurate accounts of receipts and expenditures;
18.6.4. Keep all expenditure within the budget approved by the General Body Meeting;
18.6.5. Ensure that a Cash Book is maintained manually or by computer and authenticate the print out of Cash Book;
18.6.6. Ensure proper maintenance of Bank Accounts of the Association and prepare monthly reconciliation statement;
18.6.7. Get all ledger Accounts updated monthly and thereafter prepare a Trial Balance by the tenth day of each month;
18.6.8. Be responsible for preparing and getting approved the Budget for the subsequent year;
18.6.9. Prepare the final accounts of the Association as on 31st March each year by 10th April and have them audited by 20th April each year;
18.6.10. Identify a suitable person appointed as the Association auditor and get his/her remuneration approved in the annual General Body Meeting;
18.6.11. The Treasurer shall be responsible for bringing to the notice of the MC the compliance requirements of/ with various financial and taxation laws and the MC shall be responsible for compliance of/ with the same.
19. Removal of Principal Officers: A Principal Officer may be removed by a 75% majority vote at a General Body Meeting. S/He shall, upon his or her request, be heard at this meeting before the final decision is taken. The successor shall be elected at the same meeting from amongst other members of the Managing Committee or from amongst other members willing to contest for the post. Should a member of the Managing Committee be elected as a Principal Officer, the resultant vacancy in the Managing Committee may be filled up in the same GBM. The normal election process as per the Bylaws will not apply in this case. Electronic presence and voting are permitted at this meeting as in other general body meetings.
20. Council of Representatives (CORE):
20.1. The CORE is a body constituted inter alia, to provide input and support to the OLA in any manner desired by the Managing Committee.
20.2. Members of the CORE shall:
20.2.1. Support the OLA in a manner decided by the MC from time to time. This could include communication to members of their batch or from members of their batch to the MC, the OLA, or the school;
20.2.2. Encourage alumni throughout the world to become and remain involved in OLA affairs, fundraising and other activities.
20.3. Membership & Election: The CORE shall comprise one elected representative from each graduating class of LSL, who shall be the designated CORE representative for that particular batch. The elections shall be held among the batch itself. However, any batch may request the OLA to conduct the election on their behalf.
20.4. Term: The term of CORE members shall be for a period of three years with no limit to the number of terms served.
21. Ethics & Compliance Committee
21.1 The MC shall appoint an Ethics & Compliance Committee in a maximum of 60 days after the MC has been elected. This Ethics & Compliance Committee shall be in existence for a year approximately till a new one is constituted by the following MC.
21.2 The Ethics & Compliance Committee shall have 3 members. Two of them should be members of the OLA but should not be and should not have been for the previous 6 years, a member of the MC. One amongst these two shall be nominated by the MC as the Chairperson of the Ethics & Compliance Committee. The third member of the Ethics & Compliance Committee should be an expert and an eminent person in any of the relevant fields like governance, education, ethical issues or have experience with such committees in other organisations, corporate or non-profit. An ex-Headmaster could be a possibility. This third member need not be an alumnus or member of the OLA. An individual may not be on the Ethics & Compliance Committee for more than 3 terms or approximately 3 years.
22. OLA Chapters - Regional and Global:
22.1. Regional OLA Chapter: Regional OLA Chapters may be formed at any place in India with the prior approval of the Managing Committee.
22.2. Global OLA Chapter (GOLA): Global OLA Chapters may be formed which comprise OLA members situated across the world with the prior approval of the Managing committee. GOLA shall have the same powers and privileges as any Regional OLA Chapter. GOLA shall conduct its business predominantly via the OLA website.
23. Compliance: These Bylaws are set forth to comply with the requirements of the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act No. 27 of 1975 as amended from time to time. In case of any conflict between these Bylaws and the provisions of the said Act, the provisions of the Act shall prevail.
24. Amendments to Bylaws: These Bylaws may be amended by the Association in a duly constituted meeting for the purpose. No amendment shall take effect unless approved by at least 75% of the total number of voting members present. Electronic votes will also be considered.
25. Disputes: Any member of the association may file charges, through a written complaint, with the Secretary of the Association. All disputes shall be resolved by the President by calling a meeting of the Managing Committee. If the issue is one of Ethics, Governance or Compliance to the MoA / Bylaws or Rules, the matter may be referred by the MC to the Ethics & Compliance Committee. In case the dispute cannot be solved by the affirmative vote of the majority of the Committee during its meeting, the President shall then call a General Body Meeting for this purpose. The decision of the General Body shall be final.
26. Dissolution:
26.1. A proposal for the dissolution of the Association shall be considered at an EGM called exclusively for the purpose and shall require an affirmative vote of at least three-quarters of the voting members present. Electronic voting must also be permitted.
26.2. The quorum for such meeting shall be 200 members on the Registry of the Association.
26.3. The proposal, if caused by such a majority, shall be required to be confirmed by a like majority and a like quorum at a subsequent EGM called exclusively for the purpose of confirmation, to be held not earlier than thirty days from the date of the previous meeting. This meeting too must have electronic voting.
26.4. In case of dissolution of the Association, its properties shall not be distributed to its members but shall be donated to another body with similar aims and objects.